I have now been working in my new 'family' for almost a week. I was hired as a 'staff' member a week and a half ago after my second interview for a benefited position with the USDC (Utah State Developmental Center). I am now working with 5 females instead of 4 males. My ladies are all very sweet and I already love them very much. It has been a delightful experience to be exposed to their tender need for affection. I am beginning to love my new job. Frustrations before this change in position were leading me to consider leaving the job for good, but now life is much better. I have excellent coworkers who are not perfect but get the job done. With the change in position I have also been able to have more time with my Isaac. My shift has changed from 8-4:30 to 1:30-10. That change has added several hours to our day together and we have rejoiced in eachothers company. (Of course, in the last two day we spent our extra hours together sleeping...but how nice to sleep together!) Isaac has an interview for a full-time benefited position with the church tomorrow. If he gets the position, we will be blessed with even more time together. :) I truly feel blessed. I know Heavenly Father has been mindful of our needs and has met our needs and exceeded them so that our cup truly is running over. :)
1 year ago
I'm glad to hear that your work schedule now coordinates better with Isaac's schedule. I'm also glad that your job is going better too. Will you two be out soon? It's always fun to have you and Isaac around.
Hurray! I am glad you hung in there and that things have improved so well. Enjoy your sweet ladies and that extra time with your hubby.
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