Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Blessed in Abundance

I cannot help but feel blessed this last week. Isaac and I both began work at our new jobs on Monday. We are both experiencing better work environments, better hours, and better pay. I know that Heavenly Father blessed us because I was praying so intently that we would be blessed with the opportunity to get better jobs, be better able to pay off our debts, and be in a better position to build up His kingdom here on the earth. I have never felt so 'heard' in my life. God truly works miracles for those that love Him.
Our new jobs are setting us on a new track in that allows us to spend more time together and live normally. (hurray!) I have felt impressed that now is the time to set my life in order. Now is the time to put aside childish things. The words of Paul come to my essence they say when I was a child, I acted like a child, spoke like a child, walked like a child. Now I am a man (or a woman in my case) and I have put away childish things from me. -It is now time for Marinda to grow up and be a woman who does chores when she gets home from work instead of sitting down and playing computer games, or does her visiting teaching monthly, or resists evil temptations such as eating an entire carton of icecream in one sitting. I have felt the call and am striving to answer it as I have started tonight.

Friday, July 30, 2010

I'm too tired to be doing this...

...but I'm doing it anyways. I have to work over night again...I think I'll take a nap before the evening's over...but I work only 6 more nights and will be done! I have turned in my two weeks notice because I was offered a job at the court and I accepted it! I'm so grateful that this opportunity has been made available in my life and I think it is because I have been learning how to exercise faith in the Lord. I have learned to accept that I may not know when something will improve, but that when inspiration comes I need to act. I felt it necessary to leave my last job in A.F. and so was searching for a position elsewhere. When I was offered another position, I felt I should accept it with faith that I would be blessed with better work as I moved on. Here it is, about 3 weeks later and I am comfortably aware that I will soon be in a better work environment and be paid better than the work I was doing in A.F. Hallelujah. The moral of the story is: Trust the Spirit. It will not lead you to err.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hello again!

Hi folks. I'm missing the blog...even if it is just random ramblings, but hey, it's an outlet for me. So here is where Isaac and I are right now. Isaac has applied for a job with Delta Airlines here in Salt Lake. He found out that they were hiring for mechanic positions, so he sent in his resume and was contacted to take a test. He took the aptitude test and passed, so they then called him in for an interview. He went in for the interview on Tuesday and everything went hunky-dory. They told him they had interviews through the rest of the week and would get back to him on Monday or Tuesday this upcoming week.
I, on the other hand, have finally left the state job I held and am working in a residential facility for adults with disabilities. My job right now is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY easier and I am treated with respect by my supervisor (hallelujah!) and yeah. The only tough part is that I took a huge pay cut and am only part-time now. Oh, and the other tough part is that I am working from 10 p.m. till 8 a.m. It's a long haul and I have done it once with a coworker and once on my own. I will do it again tonight. BUT, today I had an interview with the court in West Jordan. If I get on there, I will be back to full-time employment but only until December 31st. If I'm hired and a permanent position becomes available, I am sure that I would stand a better chance of getting it. I hope. I have also been taking tests to get in with the US Postal Service as a data entry technician. I passed both tests offered so far and am waiting for further instructions from them.
Lots of stuff going on as far as work.
Isaac and I are both doing really well. Our new ward is wonderful and our new apartment is cozy. We have been called to teach the Gospel Principles class. We team teach every other Sunday, switching off with a recently returned missionary. It has been so wonderful to prepare and give lessons on the basic principles of the gospel. It has really helped me to remember and return to my roots. I love it!
As far as the expansion of our little family we have been delayed by various health issues, but I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for us and that will all occur in the right time frame. We love you all and hope that life is treating you well. Take care!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Goodbye Forever!

Well, probably not forever. I'm not going to be able to access my blogs in about 58 minutes when comcast shuts off our internet (at our request). We have decided that the combined savings from no texting and no internet plus the added benefit of being able to focus more squarely on our home and family were too good to pass up. I will be occasionally on the internet as I visit family, but yeah. I have posted my information on my facebook should anyone decide to try out the old-fashioned phone call or snail mail method of contact. I love letters and am a faithful return-writer (if that makes sense). So yeah! I've loved reading your blogs and am going to miss it, but I am always here for conversation, written or otherwise. So as a very famous orange and black-striped personage once said, "TTFN! Ta-ta for now!"

Sunday, April 4, 2010


So yeah, today was a bit difficult when I went to work. At the beginning there was a huge workload and very few people to take care of it. I was on my feet all day and I found myself wanting so very badly to never have to go to work there again. The day improved only slightly, but fun conversations with nice coworkers made things roll right along at the end. So, what am I hoping for? I am hoping first that my application for the receptionist position at the federal court will actually be considered and that I can even just interview for the position. Secondly I am hoping that should I get the interview, I can get the job. Thirdly, I am hoping somehow in all this process I will still be able to go to Oregon in the first week of May. I know, I'm nuts. I just yearn so badly to have a regular 8-5 M-F job again...I feel it in my bones. Who knows what will happen, but I put in a lot of work on my resume and cover letter, etc, so I'm crossing and double-crossing my fingers that it will work out. Of course, at this point it is no longer in my hands but in the hands of the court and the Lord...if it's right, it will be. Pray for me!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Cleaning

I must say that there is nothing so inspiring as a spring snow to make one want to clean their entire house...not to mention the fact that one's mother is coming to see one tomorrow. :D Indeed, my house always could use a cleaning, but I'm not cleaning out of fear so much out of respect for a coming guest. I love my mom and want to show that indeed I did learn how to clean and do it well. I've been looking forward to this visit ever since she mentioned coming a few weeks will be nice to show her how we've arranged furniture and pictures. I love my little home (although I am very very excited to move in May) and I look forward to showing it at it's best.
Isaac and I recently bought new furniture...a sofa and love seat. It is so refreshing to have somewhere to sit or lay in the front room that doesn't require too much upkeep. The $8 love seat we owned before this was dirty even though I cleaned it and always was a pain to get to recline. Now we have some sitting space that is genuinely comfortable and we say to one and all come visit!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Housewife Tendencies

Married life has been an interesting transition for Isaac and myself. We have been learning all kinds of things, including how to go through loss together, how to argue then make up, how to deal with finances, how to support each other while maintaining different opinions on things, etc, etc, etc. It has been an uplifting and challenging experience, but I feel like we have made some beautiful progress in the building of our marital relationship. I'm immensely blessed by the fact that Isaac is my husband. I love him more and more every day and it's simply amazing to me that it's possible to love someone as much as I do him.
Anywho, back to the reason for the title. All the transitioning is coming to a head in the last few days and I am beginning to make real changes in my activities at home. I am now dedicating more and more time to cleaning and maintaining my home at the level I want it to be. I want to invite the Spirit into my house more and more abundantly. It has been amazing to see how just organizing the important papers has created an inclination for cleaning the rest of the house...yup. I'm breaking out of the rut I was in and it is showing not just today but has been showing over several days. Yay for me!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Temblores Chilenos

Late last night I was reading the news and that is when I first encountered the news about the earthquake in Chile. It affected the areas in and surrounding my mission. My prayers are with Chileans everywhere...may you be comforted in this time of distress!

Anoche estaba leyendo las noticias y encontre un articulo sobre el temblor en Chile. Pienso en mis amigos Chilenos y los demas que viven por alla. Oro por todos uds...que el Senor les de consuelo en este tiempo de angustia!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Musings on Religious Freedoms

Today as I was watching country music videos on youtube (and enjoying myself immensely), I noticed some of the comments below one of the songs. One person chose to express how the song made him feel closer to God and how God is there for anyone. I thought that was very appropriate because it was how I felt. Immediately below the comment one man responded something very snide and rude about the person who expressed hope in God. I was taken aback by the ferocity of the attack. I wasn't the only one, as someone else responded to the attacker, suggesting that he had some things to figure out in life. The attacker then responded that he had his life sorted out and had a realistic view of things and then said something to again attack and debase religion. At this point, I couldn't resist the urge to post a response to the poster of the ridiculous outbursts and attacks. My response was clear and concise. I stated that everyone is entitled to an opinion but verbal abuse against people who express something that is different from one's own opinion is childish and as he was an adult I felt no qualms about telling him to learn to be open-minded and leave behind the playground antics.
Pondering this, after posting my response, I can't understand what makes people think that they individually have the right to squelch religious expression. I mean, the original comment didn't say anything about believing in God or go to hell. He merely stated how God gave him hope. Why are people so eager to put out the sparks of hope around them? All I can think is along the lines of 1 Nephi 16:2...Wherefore, the guilty take the truth to be hard, for it cutteth them to the very center. As much as the light of hope illuminates our beings and brings us joy it also exposes the wounds of the soul. The pain that such exposure causes then leads to angry outbursts as the feeling of hurt causes in turn a desire to hurt. It makes sense, but not in a happy way. Growing older and learning to understand the various facets of life and choices and consequences has lead me to better understand the scriptures like the ones where the Savior says 'How oft I would have gathered you as a hen gathers her chickens, but ye would not!' (paraphrased, of course). They would not because they couldn't handle the pain in their own wounded souls...and if the soul had been wounded until it was dead...I hate to think of it. How grateful I am for the gospel. How grateful I am to know that there is hope for me even when I am wounded. The Savior's infinite atonement has healed me time and again in so many different ways I can't help feeling sadness for those who don't have that hope and who shun it because of the pain that is exposed in their lives.
Anyways, sorry about the long rambling, but it's my blog and I have the freedom to write what I want...religious freedom granted by the founding fathers in the constitution and not to be taken away by any one.

Monday, February 8, 2010

The New 'Do

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Recognizing Myself

I was sitting here, browsing the various events in people's lives...especially my friends...and a dawning realization came over me. I want to get pregnant again. This is the first time since the miscarriage that I have felt a true desire to have a baby. I guess it stems from the fact that every time I read about someone else's experience with pregnancy (and it seems like ALL of my friends are pregnant or have recently welcomed a new baby into the world) it makes an impression on my thoughts about where I am now. Of course, the doctor said to give it six months, and then I've also heard that sometimes a temporary infertility settles on the woman post-miscarriage, but I guess it all depends on what is right for Isaac and myself.
Speaking of Isaac we have had a beautiful day together. We got up early and went to institute at 8 a.m. (yay me for not sleeping in!!), we played a couple games of pool after the class was over, then he took me to the Jordan River Trail and we got out and walked a portion of it. We then tried to go see a dollar movie, but the only movie we were interested in was listed on the internet but not yet showing at the theater. Weird. So we rented Bride Wars and enjoyed some lighthearted comedy together (after a funny incident with a broken dvd player). Isaac said to me afterward that he would like to make Wednesday day our date time...especially since we don't get any evenings together. I appreciated that sentiment as it hadn't even crossed my mind to worry about date time. Guess I get too caught up in the present sometimes. But I am married to a wonderful man. :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

And Life Continues...

I cannot believe that Isaac and I have been married just short of seven months...and my ring still doesn't fit. Ha ha! Our life together has been interesting, full of love, laughter, occasional fights and the inevitable make-ups. If I was asked right now if I would do it a different way if I had the chance, I would have to respond that I would not. Worries I had prior to our marriage on our 'compatibility' have been completely overturned and I am now grateful that I sought and acted on inspiration. And inspiration continues to play a part in my love of my husband. What could be considered as more inspiring than the inspiration that promotes love? Who and what we love defines us. Inspiration plays its part when it whispers to not say that retort you were working up towards in an argument, to make a special trip to the temple, even to prepare a meal late at night so that when your spouse comes home from work, he comes home to a lovingly prepared dinner. Where would we be without such divine whisperings to the heart?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Few Changes

If there is one thing that I have learned it is that working full-time is waaaaaaay different from going to school full-time. Day in and day out routines develop, patterns form, and you can get pretty comfortable with the status quo. I go to work Friday through Tuesday and have Wednesday and Thursday off. I go to bed between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. and wake up about 11 a.m. or noon. I get ready, eat, and leave the apartment at about 12:45 in order to make it to work in time to sit a while and chat on the phone with Isaac. I then work 8 hours plus a half hour break and at 10:00 I start heading home. I usually arrive home at about 10:35, eat whatever looks good, watch a movie, play around on facebook or a computer game, or read. I wait up till Isaac gets home at which point he usually wants to do something, like watch a movie or talk. The days blend into each other because they are all basically the same.
It is time to strike out for a change. The first change is in motion. We have rearranged the front room furniture, have purchased a king size bed, and have consolidated and organized the spare room. Change number 1 will be complete Saturday morning with the arrival and set up of the bed in our room.
Another change I am hoping to make is to keep the kitchen clean. I just washed the pile of dishes again. If we could only just wash them as we make them, my life would be cake. I would probably actually make cake instead of wishing I could then opting to go out to eat. It's a money saver, washing dishes.
Another change I would like to make that isn't quite possible yet is I would love to get my hair done professionally. I'm thinking short. Very short. I am tired of dealing with it. Once it is short, I have half the mind to dye it. What color? Who knows. All I know is I need change right now and I believe Isaac needs it too, in his own way. School starts Monday, I believe, and that will provide him with more change than it will for me (other than taking him away more often, which is not the kind of change I want). So yeah, while Isaac is going to school, I think I am going to work on picking up a hobby or something so that I don't vegetate in front of the computer as I am apt to do.
Anyways, just thought I would write about the changes I am working on in the hopes that writing them will lead to action.